About Us
Foster Care in Rural Nevada
Foster care provides a family life experience, in a licensed home, for a child removed from their own home due to abuse and neglect. Foster parents are a critical part of the child welfare team and support children in preparing them for reunification with their birth parents or for another permanent arrangement.
We ask foster parents to walk alongside our children’s birth parents and to provide support and mentorship to them, if it is in the best interest of the children. Our intention is to create a relationship-based system in which foster parents and birth parents are able to develop a healthy co-parenting relationship.
There are roughly 400 children in Rural Nevada that are in foster care at any given moment. Every day, more children and youth enter the foster care system and need safe, loving homes. Most of these children need a temporary place to stay while others need families willing to commit to their care for a lifetime. Without caring foster homes in each community of Rural Nevada, children removed from those areas must be placed in outlying communities, away from their family, friends, and everything that is “home” to them.
Please, consider being that home for them…